Assignment 11 – Make a Prompt Personal – Daily Post

11th Assignment – Make a Prompt Personal

Daily Prompt  Turn, Turn, Turn   Seasons change so quickly! Which one do you most look forward to? Which is your least favorite?

My favourite season is spring, 2nd favourite is fall.  I tolerate winter, from the inside and enjoy the summer, outside, if I can travel and play in the water.

Spring brings with it all the hope of a future filled with sunshine and infinite possibilities nurtured by the rain. The healing green of the newly unfurled leaves energizes the landscape to grow and reach for the sky. The Silia and the Crocus poke their leaves above ground, followed by bursts of colour.  Brilliant hues of blue, yellow and purple.    Watching the earth come back to life after a long cold winters dormancy, revitalizes my outlook. Brings me back to the present moment, one where I leave behind thoughts permeated by darkness and move ever so slowly toward the positive filled with light.

Spring brings new life and a new outlook
Spring brings new life and a new outlook

Fall finds me enjoying the cool breezes watching the decay, sensing the continued cycle of death and rebirth is coming to a close.  My garden is filled with blossoms.  The late season, Echineacea and Feverfew brighten the slowly greying days.  The harvest at the end of summer is ripe and ready for picking. The bright red berries hang heavily on the Mountain Ash and the luscious green squashes hide amoung the vines crawling over the Nanking Cherries lining the alley.  The first snow drapes an innocent shroud over the garden hiding the past and reminding us the future is on the verge of today.

Winter is dark and cold, wild winds whip the chimes into a raucous symphony.  The doors and windows shut tight against the icy intruder. Winter is for hibernation, just as the bears do.  A comforter and a movie entertain while I sleep the long dark nights away.

It’s opposite, summer sees the windows thrown wide allowing the warmth to waft in with the song of the chimes as the breezes dance with the wind catcher.  Summer is for play, jumping and splashing in whatever water can be found.   Even the sprinkler in the backyard will suffice to ease the heat.

These two seasons either move too slowly or too quickly leaving me wishing them away or hoping they would stay, just a little bit longer.

Each year the cycle repeats, Spring the new beginning, the Summer for my playful youth, Fall full of beauty and for preparation and Winter for the comfort of a warm blanket.

3 thoughts on “Assignment 11 – Make a Prompt Personal – Daily Post

  1. Very nice Cheryle! I found a smile creeping onto my lips as I remembered summer with your words, “the windows thrown wide allowing the warmth to waft in..” Being able to sleep with fresh air flowing through the house is my favorite part of summer. I love all the descriptive words you used to paint your post. The flower photo is beautiful too. 😉


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