Day 13–Photography 101 – Moment in Motion

Day 13 – Blogging U – Photography 101 –

A Moment in Motion


 Hips sway

A proud sashay

Across the dusty common

Every eye bright

Turns to alight

On the curve

Of the calves

Shaped by dancing

Tribal Dancers3

The soldiers strut

The women tut

They watch and leer

At the gypsy seer

 Whispers flow

The stories grow

She’ll see your future

She’ll cut your heart

One woman alone

The talk of the town

What a lonely life

She must lead

Cheryle – March 18, 2015

Blogging 101 – Liebster Award

Thank you Sarah Best    for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  I appreciate your support and generosity for thinking of me.

Pop over to Sarah’s  site and check out her thoughts on contemporary issues.  She is a teacher, a writer and a life long learner.  Her blog reflects her passions about life and blogging.

I have agreed to answer the questions, but opted to not nominate others. I apologize if this annoys anyone.  Many of the blogs I follow do not accept awards, and I do not wish to inundate those who do with multiple requests or be a blog pest.    All of the blogs who I follow are wonderful and are deserving, each for their own unique approach to life.    If you wish to be nominated for this or another award, please let me know. I would be happy to nominate your blog.

I answered both sets of questions, the questions Sarah answered plus the questions she posed as part of the nomination.

The questions Sarah answered

  1. How do you make time to blog?   I started blogging as a way to create a schedule for myself and to learn some discipline.  I try to begin my morning with at least on blogging activity.  Responding to comments or writing a post. I’m not always successful.
  2. Do you have a blogging schedule or write when the mood takes you?  I do both.
  3. Were your schools the best of days of your life?  No.  I felt like an outcast, oddball, different from everyone else.  We move around every few years.  I didn’t have the set of close friends who were always there, who knew me, who I knew well, who I could trust and rely on.
  4. If your house was on fire, what is the possession you’d grab as you ran out of the door?  Oh my!.  Do I say my toy box, full of my writing and art supplies or my camera bag, full of my cameras and accessories?  Maybe I will start storing my camera bag in my toy box.
  5. If someone offered you a seat on Richard Branson’s first space flight for fare paying passengers, would you go?   I have no interest in going into space, even for photographs or creative inspiration.
  6. What city would you recommend others to visit?  Calgary.  It is a diverse city, which offers many indoor, outdoor, historical or cultural activities or events.  The city is close to the mountains and not far from the badlands.  The weather is usually great, sunny or not.
  7. What is your signature dish?   Dessert – My mom’s Lemon Squares.
  8. What genre of books are you most likely to choose?  The books I read usually depend on my mood, what I am doing at the time or where I am shopping. I will purchase Fantasy if I am looking for something to read and disappear.  When I am learning something new, I will pick up a book that is activity specific , ie meditation, spiritual healing, or craft related.  Finally if I am just browsing at a used book store, reference books always catch my eyes, – writing, photography, cooking, language, or any of the above.
  9. Best film from your childhood?   I wouldn’t say these are the best films, but I have two that have stayed with me over the years.  I do not know their titles or the whole story anymore, but I do remember the feeling I had while watching them.   One was an animated movie that I believe is based on an Asian folktale. I was intrigued by the female character, her animal friends and of course the male prince who won her heart.  The 2nd movie is a western in which the heroine sets out to right some wrong, is captured by the bad guys and threatened with being thrown down a steep cliff into the Devils Canyon if she doesn’t comply.  Of course the American paradigm comes into play and a tall dark cowboy saves her.
  10. How fare back can you trace your family history?  On my mothers’ side I can trace two lineages.  One lineage goes as far back as 1765 in Switzerland.  The other lineage reaches back to 1815 in  Carlow Ireland.

The questions Sarah posed as part of the nomination.

  1. If you could give your 10 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?  Develop a love for exercise such as running or walking.  Not just playing outside.  At some point you will stop playing outside and will need to maintain a regimen of daily physical exercise.
  2. What was your favourite TV show when you were growing up?  I loved watching “A Family Affair”. It a series that ran from 1966 to 1971.  A story about three children who went to go live with their handsome Uncle Bill who was played by Brian Keith.   At first I was a little confused because Mrs. Beasley, Buffy’s doll, was identical to my invisible friend, Mrs. Beasley, who visited me when I lived in Germany.  She departed abruptly, leaving Mrs. Hamilton in her place.  I never bonded with Mrs. Hamilton and missed Mrs. Beasley immensely.  In my child’s mind Mrs. Beasley left me to become Buffy’s friend, my first experience with jealousy.
  3. If given the chance/opportunity, would you make blogging and writing a full-time career?  This is not why I started blogging, but yes I would.
  4. One flaw about yourself?  I avoid conflict to the point I can create more problems for myself and most likely to those around me.
  5. Are you a generous person with your time?  I believe so.  I do a lot of volunteering.
  6. Your favourite genre of music?  Only one    Rock and all of its’ sub genres.
  7. Cheese or chocolate?   Chocolate
  8. Your favourite board game?  Monopoly
  9. Do you have a nickname?  Not anymore
  10. Do you like scary films?   Yes, those starring: Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee, and those directed by Alfred Hitchcock or Roger Corman.

Blogging U 101 – Assignments 16, 17, 18 & 19 Combined

Blogging U 101 – Assignments 16, 17, 18 & 19 Combined

This week I have been a busy girl, I am so far behind in my assignments. On Monday I did my first delivery of bread from Cobbs Bakery to a local charity then enjoyed the first of two days of Lightwalking for the Calgary Operas’ presentation of The Marriage of Figaro.  Did you know they don’t actual sing Figaro, Figaro, Figaro as shown in the Bugs Bunny Cartoons?    Wednesday flew by with household chores, shopping, teaching, and catching up on emails, Twitter, and Facebook.  Thursday was a day of preparation for dinner & the Opera, one of the perks of Lightwalking.  Friday was set aside to complete the final preparations for drum making. The drums were made and hung to dry on Saturday while watching Space Cowboys.

I am combining all the missed assignments into one big post.  I hope it isn’t too huge or boring.

I completed the 16th Assignment “Plug into Social Media” before it was given. During the widget challenge one of the widgets I added to my sidebar was a connection my Twitter feed to WordPress.

The 17th Assignment directed us to add a new page.  I added 2 new pages, one a contact page, not that I am expecting anyone to actually contact me and the second page is a disclaimer page.  I borrowed the idea from Serins at  Wahoo!  I have a 3 page blog.

The assignment I had the most difficulty with was the 18th Assignment – Try another blog event.  The purpose to expand our horizons, increase our opportunities for blogging and interact with another community, thereby gathering more friends or readers.

I looked at all the available options.  The photo challenges, the weekly challenges, the one word challenges, the poetry and the cooking events, none of the offerings resonated with me.  After wandering around the dozens of sites for a couple of day, reading the rules and criteria of each, I finally settled on the PBC.

Photo Blog Challenge  

I chose this challenge because it is a monthly event.   On the first of each month the event theme will be posted to which the participants will post 5 photos on their blog representing their interpretation of the theme.   I expect it won’t put too much pressure on me to produce an event post weekly, so it shouldn’t be overwhelmed.  In addition to encouraging me to take pictures of topics other than the mountain ash tree in my garden, I will enjoy interpreting the theme.  I will see how it progresses and what I create.  Here’s to the Photo Blog Challenge!

19th Assignment – Extend your Brand

Brand!  Wow having a Brand makes me feel like a product.   I guess that is what I am a writing product or a product of writing.  I now have a Blavatar.  It is the same photo that I used for my WordPress profile.  I figure if I am supposed to be consistent across the web I should maintain the profile I began with.  Here is the picture, let me know what you think.

I also created a page called Lightwalkers Blog attached to my regular Facebook page.  I tried to connect the two but haven’t seen any evidence that I completed the task correctly.  I will continue to try, but my mind is shutting down where technical tasks are considered.

20th Assignment – Create a Regular Feature

Before I registered for Blogging U 101, I wrote a post called the Meditation Cushion.  I will use this title as part of a regular feature for posts on thoughts, instruction and comments regarding meditation and how it can improve life and relieve stress.  I hope you will like what I post and try some of the suggestions.

21st Assignment – Last Weekend – Review your posts and Make Contact with your New Event Community.

I have enjoyed learning about blogging and especially enjoyed meeting many other bloggers.  I have even surprised myself with some of my new discoveries about myself.   It isn’t as scary as it appears, it is fun. I will visit my fellow Photo  Bloggers Challenge over the next month.

I recommend Blogging U 101 to anyone who is new to Blogging or who is struggling with or avoiding posting.  I have registered for Blogging U 201 and for the Blogging Writing – 201 Poetry sessions.

See you soon.

In love & light


Assignment #15 – Content Loves Design

The most recent assignment is to open up the “Customizer” and play with the design tools.  Well here goes.   I will once again post a old poem,  a Ghazal from  Feb 11/2006, edited March 10/06 and see what happens.  Please keep in mind this is an experiment.  I wouldn’t normally change the colour of each stanza.  It appears that Big Brother has limited customizer capabilities.

OK!  I tried it, it looked hideous so I removed the colours.  So far I haven’t come across anything that I really want enough to change the theme.  I am happy with the way it looks now and I will leave it this way.  No more fiddling around with the design.  OK…. I bow to the popular comments regarding the colours.  Here they are.

Fives Faces of the Muse


River flows swift, flashing cerulean hues

Carving channels deep.  Listen for the muse.


Breeze gently whispers her name as the grass

Crowns nod. The capricious leap of the muse.


Graciously Sun shares his benevolent light

where sleepy shadows creep.  Unveil the muse.

Earth embraces life – her arms grown from granite

A safe protective keep. Nourish the muse.


Euterpe steals into my somnolent mind

seeking inspiration as I sleep.  Ah – the Muse.


Cheryle Baker

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I want to thank Hannah of Simply Hanes for nominating me for The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award.  I am so very honoured and grateful for her consideration.   Please pop over to her blog she is a versatile writer with many categories to delight you.    The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award is given to writers who express the unique female experience.

The Rules for Accepting and Nominating are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Nominate seven blogs.
  • Make a list of ten questions for your nominees.

My Answers to the Questions:

  1. What is your biggest fear and why?

Being successful, I would then have to accept that I can do anything I set my mind to.

  1. What are you motivated by?

To help.  If I believe I can be of help to someone I am all in 100%

  1. What was the last dream you remember?

It was an apocalypse dream where the captured were forced to tattoo their own hands with hunting knives.  Then the captors cut them off and left the victims to die by being skewered on a fence and hit by fast moving vehicles.  (Sorry… I ate something before bed, I shouldn’t have )

  1. What is your favorite book and why?

The Rhyming Dictionary – it is an invaluable resource

  1. If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Buddhas’ Mother – he ordained her.  It would put to rest the squabble between Monks and Nuns regarding the suitability of Nuns ordaining Nuns.

  1. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you still have that childhood dream?

At one time I wanted to be a Nun, an Actress, a Writer and a Conservationist (That’s what they were called back then).  Yes I still have those dreams.  Did the actress thing, practice ecological behaviour, I am now blogging and I teach Samatha Meditation based on the Buddhist Thai Forest tradition.

  1. Do you have a bucket list? If so what are the top three items?

a)  I would like to travel in my RV.  b)  Travel on meditation retreat with my Venerable Teacher.  c) Create a multi discipline creative healing retreat.  A large lodge with smaller cottages sequestered in the woods to accommodate, writers, musicians, healers, meditators and artists.  The property is located  in an area of wooded rolling hills and has a river running through it, for swimming and rafting.

  1. If you could boost one of your five senses, which would it be and why?

Improve my ability to listen to my intuition.  Not only hear it but listen to it.

  1. Would you rather die young, or live forever?

Die young, if it meant not coming back.

  1. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

My ability to enjoy being alone.

I nominate the following, in no particular order. 

Allychat’s Blog

Anecdotes from Along Life’s Road

Daily Cup of Wisdom

Iridescent Spirits

Shannon McFadden – Global Grandma

Kate M Colby

Serins Sphere

The 10 Questions.  I chose to ask the same insightful questions that were asked of me.

  1. What is your biggest fear and why?
  2. What are you motivated by?
  3. What was the last dream you remember?
  4. What is your favorite book and why?
  5. If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
  6. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you still have that childhood dream?
  7. Do you have a bucket list? If so what are the top three items?
  8. If you could boost one of your five senses, which would it be and why?
  9. Would you rather die young, or live forever?
  10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Keep on Blogging and Enjoy the experience of writing.

The Liebster Award – Discover a New Blog



Wow!.  A. aka Mymischiefmanaged of My Lost Lexicon Blog  nominated me for the Liebster Award.  Thank you.    Please pop in at take a look at her posts.  She has a welcoming voice and a flair for unique imagery.

The Liebster Award is awarded to new bloggers, those with less than 200 followers.  It is a way to encourage them to keep writing and posting to their blog.  It certainly worked for me.  I am so pumped to keep going, to improve my writing, to conquer the blogging world.  I cannot express how thankful I am to Mymischiefmanaged enough for the nomination.

I feel so encouraged.   I am glad I started Blogging University 101.  Everyone I have met has been very supportive and I am grateful for their comments and kindness.

The Liebster Award Rules for Nominees

  • Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them.
  • Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Here are my response to Mymischiefmanaged’s Questions

  • Are you a morning person or a night Owl?

I am a night Owl, always have been always will be. I nap in the afternoon in order to get enough sleep.

  • What is the one thing you are incredibly bad at?

I cannot count.  I can administer a million dollar budget, but don’t expect me to go out onto a warehouse floor, count the number of pallets of pop produced that day and give you the correct number.  Even if I count the product four or five times, I will give you a different number every time.  I know it, I accept it and I no longer worry about it.

  • What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

The soundtrack to “The Keep” by Tangerine Dream.  I watch the movie almost yearly, just to listen to the music.

  • Describe yourself in three words.

Spiritual, Round, Creative

  • On a scale of 1-10, how adventurous are you?

Depends on the circumstances.  1-3 when it involves my work, 6-8 if I am out camping or rafting.

  • Where do you live? Do you like it?

I live in Calgary, Alberta – Canada.  I love it.  I’ve lived in many cities in Canada, one in Germany.  I  selected Calgary as my permanent home.

  • What is a piece of advice you would give to your future self?

Learn to listen to your inner voice earlier.  Don’t listen to others when they say you can’t or shouldn’t do something. You can and you should.

  • Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

I am both.  Each touches my heart and soul in different ways.  The dogs in my life have shared their enthusiasm for everything with me.  The cats have taught me to love gentle solitude and independence.

  • What is your guilty pleasure?

A hot bubble bath in the middle of the afternoon and a good book.

  • What is your favorite color?

Green, the verdant green of the newly opened leaves of the spring.

  • Do you have any advice for me and/or other bloggers who are just starting?

Find a way to write everyday.  Connect with other writers who will encourage and support you.    For me this has meant registering for the Blogging 101 challenge.  I need the discipline and accountability offered by completing the daily assignments.    When all is said and done, I am hoping it will become a habit, one where I will write on my own daily, without the formalized schedule.

I NOMINATE THE FOLLOWING BLOGS        Needle at Sea Bottom            The Creek        Simply Haynes         ELE                       Bean & Bantam        MyMiaCreations                  Wisdom’s Quill               [L]ittle Red Strings        Hello World          LiveLaughLove                            Wander Woman


What always makes you laugh?

If you were a colour, what colour would you be?

Where is your favourite place?

How long have you been writing, blogging?

Who do you look up to?

What is your favourite and least favourite personality trait?

What is your most difficult experience?

What is your favourite word and why?

Who would you be if you were a person in history?

What do you look for in a post or a blog?

What has been the best piece of advice you have been given?

Enjoy writing and life with Love and Light


Assignment # 14 – Try Posting a New Style


Pali Chant – Author Unknown

“May all living beings always live happily

Free from animosity

May all of us share in the blessings

That spring from the good I have done”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Subbe,  satta, sada, hontu

Avera, sukkah jivino

Katung, punyung palung maihung

Sabbe bhaki bhavuntute”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Pali Chant  translated to English & Thai   Courtesy of Willpower Institute Canada Meditation Centres

I set my format style to Quotes, but I don’t think it worked.  My preview looks exactly the same as my standard  normal style.

Anyway…   I thought I would share with you the chant I use before I meditate.  The purpose is to help set your mind to generosity and compassion.  It also helps to prepare the mind for meditation.  I believe it is a lovely sentiment encouraging peace and love for everyone.

13th Assignment – Blogging U 101 – Increase Your Commenting Confidence

Sometimes I don’t pay attention.  I think I am but when it comes down to actually doing what I am tasked with I don’t always have all the details retained in my brain.   One of the Blogging U 101 assignments asked that we personalize a prompt.  Seemed easy enough, except I didn’t remember to link my comments to the prompt I chose.  I can’t locate it now that I need it to complete today’s assignment.

I didn’t like the first prompt I came across on the Daily prompt of the day which suggested I take two protagonists from different stories and have them meet.  Characters are not something I have a clue about, I don’t know how to create them, relate to them or even how to make them relate to each other.  So..I skipped this prompt in favour of one I preferred.  Turn, Turn, Turn, explore your favourite and least favourite season.  That was easy.  I’ve already written a poem on my favourite season, spring.  I wrote a post about the season, posted it then proceeded to also post my poem.  Spring has come to my Garden.

Today’s assignments wants me to go back, read posts on the same topic written by other writers and leave a couple of comments.  Since I cannot locate the proper link I  went in search of a post upon which I could leave relevant comment that satisfies  the goal of the assignment:

  • Reading others’ takes on a topic you’ve tackled challenges your own thinking (and blogging).
  • It’s easier to enter a conversation when everyone has a shared experience, like responding to the same prompt.

I found a wonderful post by the Golflady reviewing the movie “Unbroken”.  I was lucky to be gifted a free pass to it’s preview in Calgary.  I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and thought it has so much to teach us about how important our attitude toward life is to how we survive and even if we survive. This link will take you to her review.   What We Can Learn from “Unbroken”  by the Golflady

With all the technical assignments, reading blogs and writing I am learning to manoeuver around WordPress.  An accomplishment for me.

Assignment 12 – Blogging U 101 – Create a better Blogroll

Assignment 12 – Blogging U 101 – Create a better Blog Roll

This assignment suggests that I share a few links that I love.  I believe I am a little ahead of the assignment as I already added the Blogs I Follow widget to my sidebar.  I was so confident that I had aced this assignment I almost forgot to write the post commenting on it. 

The blogs I follow belong to an interesting, visually stimulating group of wonderfully nice people who offer me insight into things I want to learn, cultivate and who generously share bits of their lives.  The widget places their pictures on the right side of my blog.   I hope visitors to my blog will drop in on their sites, find something appealing and follow them, thereby building up traffic and followers for the blogs I follow.

Twelve Habits of Happy, Healthy People Who Don’t Give a Shit About Your Inner Peace

A new take on living a healthy happy life.  Check out this link from:

I Am Begging My Mother Not To Read This Blog

and other tales from a twentysomething disaster


Twelve Habits of Happy, Healthy People Who Don’t Give a Shit About Your Inner Peace.