Today, the last day of April finally heralds spring to our small garden.

As usual, we lived through every season this month.

The messengers of spring nudged their way above the ground in the hope the frost is gone and spring is here to stay.   The sun and the warm wind strengthened their roots and stems so they could push their way up out of their covered beds.  The rich rain and the snow blanket nourished and protected the tender leaves as they slowly stretched their tendrils from the soil to the sky.

April 30 2017_0022

The Peony pokes its nose above last fall’s leaves.  It grows straight and tall preparing for the heavy white blooms of July.

Peony a

The tiny fingers of the tender bleeding heart gather sunshine and air. Growing long and flexible for the pink and white hearts that will dangle there.

Bleeding Heart a

The first blooms of the Silia bring hope to those of us eager for our gardens to grow and blossom with the summer.

Silia d

The alien eyes of the Rhubarb unfurl its ruby red stem and iconic leaves. The perfect harbinger of spring.

Rhubarb a

I know tarts aren’t too far off.

spring baked fresh

In love and light


April 30, 2017

6th Assignment – Blogging 201 – Writing Poetry Ballad – Heroine, Anaphora/Epistrophe

6th Assignment – Blogging 201 – Writing Poetry Ballad – Heroine, Anaphora

Day 6 and I am up to date with my assignments.  Yeah!  I completed my Ballad about a Heroine using the poetic device Anaphora.

This is my imagining of what a young Priestess would say about her Goddess upon ordination.  It is no way historically accurate or even a slice of history.  It is just me and some words.

Ballad – Heroine, Anaphora

-isis-greek-roman-sculpture-vintage-illustration-from-meyers-konversations-stock-vector-sculpture-of 91944878  edited              A Ballad for the Goddess

If I knew then what I know now

I would have

……….Hung my head in supplication

I would have

……….Danced naked in your presence


You have risen me from despair into hope

……….From disrepute into honour


If knew then what I know now

I would have

……….Picked sacred herbs until my fingers bled

I would have

……….Drunk poppy juice until the truth flowed freely


You have replaced my chains of slavery with freedom

……….Shown me the clues to great happiness


If I knew then what I know now

I would have

……….Plaited flowers and worn them in my hair

I would have

……….Sat in silent meditation on your virtues


You taught me the ways of love

……….To see you in the moon and the stars


If I knew then what I know now

I would have

……….Borne the lessons without struggle

I would have

……….Lifted my voice in joyous song


You have given me the strength

……….To face demons dark

……….To stand alone free from fear


If I knew then what I know now

I would have

……….Bowed down to you the day I was born


Cheryle Feb 23, 2015


Image from:    × Stock Vector Illustration:

Sculpture of Isis – greek – roman sculpture / vintage illustration from Meyers Konversations-Lexikon 1897

  • Image ID: 91944878                      Copyright: Hein Nouwens