March – Photo Bloggers Challenge

March was a difficult month for doubles.  I did enjoy getting out into my yard to capture a few spring shots, which I call “Birds, Buds and Benches”.

two birds 3

This is the birdhouse both the birds and the squirrels share.

Double Buds April 27 2015_0001

March 2015 sees the Lilacs in bud already in bud.

Double seater

Another bench built for two.

seats for two

Not quite a bench, but a nice spot for two to sit and meditate amoung the cherry trees and peonies.

two birds on a pole

Two birds on a pole.

Copyright Cheryle March 2015

42 thoughts on “March – Photo Bloggers Challenge

  1. These are wonderful! I love the one with the birds in the birdhouse. And the benches are so interesting – the seats are unusual and look comfy. And that lilac…oh I could just smell the future blooms from that. You are doing such a wonderful group of photo works. I am so glad I follow your blog because the photos are so natural and show so much of the world around you. You have a good touch with lighting and textures. Brava!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great post. It reminds me of when I lived in the country and our bird feeder always had some birds around it, but especially in the morning when we ate breakfast. Good “benches!”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! What a great outdoor space. Those benches / chairs with the farm equipment seats are just fantastic. And the birds…a couple of sparrows and some flickers? We’re finally starting to see and hear some birds in our part of the world. The crows and magpies hang around all winter, so it’s nice to finally hear some American robins, finches and flickers too. As for the lilac buds, absolutely beautiful IMO…the pale green leaf buds epitomize the freshness that comes with the spring season. Great job overall!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by and liking the post. The benches and chairs are perfect for meditating. We have crows and magpies all year with a few Ravens thrown in. The songbirds, the woodpeckers and the robins are coming back now that “winter” is over. We lay out black oil sunflower seeds for the birds and squirrels so our indoor cats can feel like the great hunters they think they are. The baby green of spring is my favourite colour. In love and light Cheryle


  4. Been meaning to get on over and so glad I did. The spring photos are great. I really like the tractor seat meditation chairs.

    Life outside of the blogs has been very busy and will continue to be so for the next two months. Exciting and positive, but hardly any time whatsoever for being where I love to be which is creating on my website and enjoying the content of everyone whom I follow.

    For the first few days I fretted about my absence, thinking that my followers would hit that unfollow button, thinking folks thought I was not paying attention to their latest contributions as I normally do. What a laugh at me I received today as I saw I am actually picking up a few followers in MY ABSENCE.

    All my best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s so much fun going around and seeing how everyone else has interpreted this prompt! I LOVE the birds on the pole, so sweet and a great composition, too. And the bench seats are intriguing! I’ve only ever seen this type of seat on a tractor or other farm equipment in this country.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words. The tractor seats are very comfy. I had to remove the screen from a window in order to take the birds on the pole photo. In love and light Cheryle


  6. Oh my goodness… these are INCREDIBLE. I can’t even pick a favorite. The subjects are incredible and you got such pretty shots. I wish we had lilacs here. I remember having one in Northern Virginia and LOVING walking by it. They don’t seem to grow well further south.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your generous comments. I have always loved lilacs. I used to pick bunches of them on my way home from school and gift them to my mother when I arrived home. Later in the season, I will post some pictures of them blooming in your honour. In love and light Cheryle


  7. That first shot is a great capture for the theme. Two birds, setting up house for the spring time and we all know full well that there will be more in there later on. Well done.

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  8. Love, love, love your selections this month! The first capture of the birds is simply awesome! Our lilacs are just starting to make buds here…..can’t wait to smell their heavenly scent!

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