Day 1 – 5-Day Black & White Photo Challenge

I have been challenged to post the 5 Day Black & White Photo Challenge by my blogging buddy hirundine608 of  The criteria are to post a black & white photo for the next five day and invite another blogger to participate each day.  I have accepted this challenge.

snow on flowers Mar 16

As for the second part of the challenge:  I nominate:  Donna George of Donna George Blogs.  I enjoy the photos on your blog and thought you might enjoy the challenge.   There is no pressure,  If you don’t want or are not able to participate.

Blogging 101 – Liebster Award

Thank you Sarah Best    for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  I appreciate your support and generosity for thinking of me.

Pop over to Sarah’s  site and check out her thoughts on contemporary issues.  She is a teacher, a writer and a life long learner.  Her blog reflects her passions about life and blogging.

I have agreed to answer the questions, but opted to not nominate others. I apologize if this annoys anyone.  Many of the blogs I follow do not accept awards, and I do not wish to inundate those who do with multiple requests or be a blog pest.    All of the blogs who I follow are wonderful and are deserving, each for their own unique approach to life.    If you wish to be nominated for this or another award, please let me know. I would be happy to nominate your blog.

I answered both sets of questions, the questions Sarah answered plus the questions she posed as part of the nomination.

The questions Sarah answered

  1. How do you make time to blog?   I started blogging as a way to create a schedule for myself and to learn some discipline.  I try to begin my morning with at least on blogging activity.  Responding to comments or writing a post. I’m not always successful.
  2. Do you have a blogging schedule or write when the mood takes you?  I do both.
  3. Were your schools the best of days of your life?  No.  I felt like an outcast, oddball, different from everyone else.  We move around every few years.  I didn’t have the set of close friends who were always there, who knew me, who I knew well, who I could trust and rely on.
  4. If your house was on fire, what is the possession you’d grab as you ran out of the door?  Oh my!.  Do I say my toy box, full of my writing and art supplies or my camera bag, full of my cameras and accessories?  Maybe I will start storing my camera bag in my toy box.
  5. If someone offered you a seat on Richard Branson’s first space flight for fare paying passengers, would you go?   I have no interest in going into space, even for photographs or creative inspiration.
  6. What city would you recommend others to visit?  Calgary.  It is a diverse city, which offers many indoor, outdoor, historical or cultural activities or events.  The city is close to the mountains and not far from the badlands.  The weather is usually great, sunny or not.
  7. What is your signature dish?   Dessert – My mom’s Lemon Squares.
  8. What genre of books are you most likely to choose?  The books I read usually depend on my mood, what I am doing at the time or where I am shopping. I will purchase Fantasy if I am looking for something to read and disappear.  When I am learning something new, I will pick up a book that is activity specific , ie meditation, spiritual healing, or craft related.  Finally if I am just browsing at a used book store, reference books always catch my eyes, – writing, photography, cooking, language, or any of the above.
  9. Best film from your childhood?   I wouldn’t say these are the best films, but I have two that have stayed with me over the years.  I do not know their titles or the whole story anymore, but I do remember the feeling I had while watching them.   One was an animated movie that I believe is based on an Asian folktale. I was intrigued by the female character, her animal friends and of course the male prince who won her heart.  The 2nd movie is a western in which the heroine sets out to right some wrong, is captured by the bad guys and threatened with being thrown down a steep cliff into the Devils Canyon if she doesn’t comply.  Of course the American paradigm comes into play and a tall dark cowboy saves her.
  10. How fare back can you trace your family history?  On my mothers’ side I can trace two lineages.  One lineage goes as far back as 1765 in Switzerland.  The other lineage reaches back to 1815 in  Carlow Ireland.

The questions Sarah posed as part of the nomination.

  1. If you could give your 10 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?  Develop a love for exercise such as running or walking.  Not just playing outside.  At some point you will stop playing outside and will need to maintain a regimen of daily physical exercise.
  2. What was your favourite TV show when you were growing up?  I loved watching “A Family Affair”. It a series that ran from 1966 to 1971.  A story about three children who went to go live with their handsome Uncle Bill who was played by Brian Keith.   At first I was a little confused because Mrs. Beasley, Buffy’s doll, was identical to my invisible friend, Mrs. Beasley, who visited me when I lived in Germany.  She departed abruptly, leaving Mrs. Hamilton in her place.  I never bonded with Mrs. Hamilton and missed Mrs. Beasley immensely.  In my child’s mind Mrs. Beasley left me to become Buffy’s friend, my first experience with jealousy.
  3. If given the chance/opportunity, would you make blogging and writing a full-time career?  This is not why I started blogging, but yes I would.
  4. One flaw about yourself?  I avoid conflict to the point I can create more problems for myself and most likely to those around me.
  5. Are you a generous person with your time?  I believe so.  I do a lot of volunteering.
  6. Your favourite genre of music?  Only one    Rock and all of its’ sub genres.
  7. Cheese or chocolate?   Chocolate
  8. Your favourite board game?  Monopoly
  9. Do you have a nickname?  Not anymore
  10. Do you like scary films?   Yes, those starring: Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee, and those directed by Alfred Hitchcock or Roger Corman.