The prompt for Day Two – “If you could zoom through space in the speed of light, what place would you go to right now?”

I would jump into the 1974 drivers’ seat of what I call my cabin, wiggle my little nose.

POOF!                 10351250_10152442787311280_6509159616268359082_n[1]         I am on the road just outside of the “Bella Pacifica Campground” Tofino, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

I draw in a big deep breath of relaxation and anticipation.  Driving past the camp office, my heart jumps with delight, while my nose twitches at the unfamiliar fresh scents of salt, sand and seaweed.

Slowly I back into campsite 108.  I scan both the ocean and the forest, a place of bliss and solitude.  The whisper of the tall cedar trees as they caress each other and the splash of the waves as the salty water breaks against the sandy beach greet me in unison.

I selected this site because it is the furthest site from the entrance and at the far end of the campground road.  Private, isolated and perfect for an introvert wishing to celebrate the sunshine, forest and ocean spray.

Leaving the unpacking and organizing until later, I walk down to the beach, kick off my runners and slide my socks onto the rocks on the edge of the sand.

Stepping forward, my foot sinks into the white granular crystals.  I can hear the ahhhhh my toes sigh when the sand warmed by the sun envelopes them.  I almost drop down and make a sand angel, I am so happy to be here.  Heel, toes, heel, toes, heel, toes – curl the sand between the foot pad and the toes.  The sand gently scrubs my feet, the skin feels brand new.

At the lintel, the sand is wet, cold and packed.  The imprints of my heels are deep, gathering seawater.  The tidal water rushes forward freezing my feet right up to the ankles.  I jump back with a squeal.  I land in the dry warm sand. Oh heavenly bliss!

Cheryle – April 7, 2015


Wow!  20 minutes flew by.  I wrote for 35 minutes and wrote only 2 paragraphs.  I did edit and rearrange, but still!  So much time so few words.     In any case,  here is my offering for Day 1.

FREEWRITING –  BLOGGING U – WRITING 101 – 1st Assignment

Yesterday, I visited a new friend.   She greeted me warmly, welcoming me graciously into her home.  To celebrate the spring season, I brought her a small pot daffodils.  I had carefully selected this plant, for only a few of its’ flowers were in bloom.  I wanted to make sure she had an abundance of consecutive yellow blossoms to enjoy.

She invited me into her living room.  It burgeoned with plants, both living and silk.  Her green thumb had grown trees, ferns, philodendrons, ivy’s, lipsticks plants and a multitude of greenery I could not name.  It was early in the day, the morning sun shone brightly through the south facing windows reflecting its light on the various leaves and fronds, making the room warm and cozy. Sitting low amoung the plants and pots was a faux log fountain, gently burbling a sense of the forest into the plant filled room.

Cheryle April 5, 2015

Day 10 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Mystery and Light

Day 10 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Mystery and Light

I know this isn’t quite in focus, but I think it fits the theme.  I hope so anyway.

“People stay
Just a little bit longer
We want to play
Just a little bit longer

Now the promoter don’t mind
And the union don’t mind
If we take a little time
And we leave it all behind, and sing
One more song

Oh, won’t you stay
Just a little bit longer?
Please, please, please
Say you will, say you will”              Stay” is track #7 on the Jackson Browne Album  Running on Empty. It was written by Williams, Jason Aldine/weaver, Justin.

After the crowds have gone

In love and light Cheryle

Day 6 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Connection

Day 6 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Connection

Todays post is about connection.

I chose to illustrate the importance of our connections especially transportation conduits. To demonstrate the effects when they no longer connect.

Phone pics_Jul 18 2014_1533

This photo was taken of the Bonnybrook Bridge just after it failed in 2013 and shows the damage to the bridge when the footing gave way.   At the time of failure the cars crossing the bridge were carrying a diluting agent used in the oil fields.  The derailment forced the evacuation of an area of approximately one kilometre square around the bridge.  We are lucky, we live approximately three kms from the site.  During the days following the accident, our neighbourhood was silent,  eerily so.  No trains, no cars no traffic sounds at all.   Our neighbourhood is connected to Calgary by two bridges and one old road that goes south.    We could not to into town using either of the bridges, we had to take a very round route using the old road. Me I stayed home, out of road.

Train, trucks, bridge and rivers_Mar 09 2015_0033

The second photo was taken today showing the final repairs in process.

Day 4 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Bliss

Day 4 – Blogging U – Photography 101 – Bliss

It is mid winter here in Calgary.  Yes, the snow is pretty much non existent and the temperature is balmy 11 degrees C under the bright sun.  However, my bliss is being on the water without any cares, just floating and going with the flow.  I have posted a photo of my bliss just to remind myself it won’t be long now.  Another bliss is cuddling one of my wonderful furbabies.  Tom likes to join me when I am working on my computer and begs for pets and kisses.  It is bliss to feel his fur and his rough kisses.

Tom purring 1

Here is the summer bliss I am so looking forward to.


Copyright  R. Baker

Assignment #2 – Say Your Name

Blogging U 101 – 2nd Assignment


Shakespeare wrote “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.  While that is essentially true, if it were called the Stinkysmelly plant, not many would venture to find out.

It is the same for the name of a blog.  If I used my personal name not many people would bother to check out what I have to offer.  Unless of course, my blog was about baking.

I plan to create posts based on what I do, learn and wish to experience and share.

The name I employ in the virtual world is Cheryle Lightwalker, hence, Lightwalkers Blog. My address says lightwalker1.  I had to add the 1 because someone was already using Lightwalker. 😦  but that is the way of things.

I chose this name because it succinctly describes what I aspire to in this lifetime, a person who walks in the light and is filled with love.  Not necessarily an easy thing to be in today’s shark infested economy, world of wars and chaos.  It also reflects some of the roles I play in pursuit of occupation.

Occasionally I Lightwalk for the local opera company.   That is,   I stand around on stage for 8 hours a day for approximately 3 days 3 times a year while the Lighting Director, sets the lighting design for the current show.

Lightwalking for the Flying Dutchman
Lightwalking for the Flying Dutchman

I am much cheaper to employ than the Talent, am reliable, know my left from my right and show up sober.  I understand these qualities were an issue with previous Lightwalkers.    The really weird thing is, the only time I can actually tell my left from my right is when I am on stage.  If I am driving it is the drivers’ side or the passengers’ side.  I’m not sure why that is, but it works for me and most of my passengers.

I am a trained Reiki Master, Spiritual healer, Intuitive Flower reader, certified Reflexologist and Meditation Instructor in the Theraveda Thai Forest Samatha discipline.   All this training is in pursuit of my desire to be a better person, and to be of service to others.

I hope you find the title suits the content and brings you some light during the day or lightens your heart during a dark moment.