Day 10 Blogging U – Writing 101: Happy Birthday Cheryle


I am skipping the assignments for Day 8 and 9, I will get to them later.  Today, I am going to complete Day 10 in an effort to catch up and not put myself further behind.

Day 10 Prompt: Tell us something about your favorite childhood meal — the one that was always a treat, that meant “celebration,” or that comforted you and has deep roots in your memory.

Feel free to focus on any aspect of the meal, from the food you ate to the people who were there to the event it marked.

Day 10 Twist: Tell the story in your own distinct voice.

My favourite Birthday Meal?  HMMMm- What I remember most is that all of my birthdays, at least, until I was six were spent camping in various countries, Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Scotland.  One year I got a pair of Dutch clogs for my birthday, the wooden ones with the toes tips painted in red, yellow, white and a touch of green.

For all my Canadian birthday meals I remember eating hot dogs, served with fries on the side, chocolate milk and chocolate cake with Ice cream.  I never ate hot dogs with ketchup, just mustard and relish, when it was available.  Hot dogs were different then, not so many chemicals in them.  My mother would boil them, we didn’t BBQ like we do now.  My sister used to eat her fries with mayo, Yuck, something she learned in Germany.

While in Germany, instead of hot dogs, which I believe were Canadian or American, we had Bratwurst, or Brockwurst.  I can’t remember which and I get the two mixed up anyway.  One year my Mom made cupcakes in the trailer, I was so happy it was like she had created them through magic.

My birthday is in the summer, so it is always hot, sunny, and everything is green. So much better than a winter birthday, cold, grey and white.

Back then we didn’t have hot dogs all of the time, Ice cream only at celebrations, chocolate milk once in a while and fries, which as time went by eventually became potatoe chips, were a rare treat.  We would drive my mom crazy as we moved around the kitchen like kittens mewing for milk waiting for her to finish cooking so we could eat. mmmm

Now, my birthday meal is either BBQ something, shrimp or something at a German Restaurant.

That’s my birthday meal story, what’s yours?

Cheryle April 2015