
0317582-R1-018-7A.I am discovering what I missed when I was 6


Sister caught in a time warp where time stands Still between 8 and 10 Homes 2 years apart slipping through the cracks  of little house on the prairie to Siddartha

I dabble in writing, poetry, photography, painting and other creative endeavours that I keep to myself. It is safer that way.  Also, I then have no accountability to maintain any commitment to the discipline it takes to follow a concept to its beautiful fruition.   It is time for me to grow, expand my inner horizons and learn how to do this ”blog thing” correctly and in such a way it has a positive impact on my creative activities.

I taught meditation as part of a worldwide non-profit, Willpower Institute.  My practice has begun to percolate into my heart creating connections in the real world. It is these perceptible observations I wish to further explore and develop with my practice through writing, blogging and other creative activities.  I hope to connect with people who, like me, may not feel quite comfortable in their own skin, but wish to be.  Who are also interested in understanding their impact on the world around them and how to live a happier existence.

If by writing this blog, I feel more comfortable sharing my voice with others, I will be content and consider the effort a success.

79 thoughts on “About

  1. Your blog is looking beautiful Cheryle! I do wish I could see more of your header image. After the blog loads it covers most of the picture. I really enjoy seeing the gallery of photos you added to the sidebar (I see your header image there I think) and your “welcome” widget is a nice addition. The changes you’ve made are lovely.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Oh how wonderful! Thank you Hannah. I am so happy you enjoy my blog. You deserve the Liebster Award. I like your style, enjoy reading your posts and believe others will too. Thank you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. It is very sweet of you to think of me. Keep Blogging and sharing your voice. In love & light Cheryle


    • Thank you for stopping by with such encouraging words. I popped over to your blog to find it a very organized site. It pleasing to the eye and easy to find your content. Your posts are inspiring, hopeful and humourous. I look forward to more of your smile makers. Kindest Regards Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am very new to having a Website, and using my voice in this new medium. I went quiet for some years.
    It was good. Teaching meditation is an excellent vocation.

    All my best to you.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Thanks for your sweet comments and for following my blog! I hope if you can find the time that you will stop by my page called “Reasons to Smile” and leave a comment. It’s a list of things people are thankful for, just to encourage each other. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Cheryle, I just wanted to thank you for the follow on my other blog “blowmeoutofthewater”. I am so grateful that you have discovered this one and that you liked the poem. Your “blogging buddy” Marie :)))

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Your first paragraph intrigues me, alluding to much while leaving it unsaid:

    “I am discovering what I missed when I was 6

    “Sister caught in a time warp where time stands Still between 8 and 10 Homes 2 years apart slipping through the cracks of little house on the prairie to Siddartha”

    Now I must read more of your work. I also look forward to learning more about The Willpower Institute. I would think that both teaching meditation and writing online would help you realize your “hope to connect with people who, like [you], may not feel quite comfortable in their own skin, but wish to be.”

    Peace and Love,

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog.

    I love your words here on your about page… as a fellow blogger who is also sometimes uncomfortable in her own skin I appreciate reading the words of other writers who are braving this blogging world and expanding their creativity… long may it continue. 🙂 x

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thank you for your kind supportive words. It is a big step but it must be done. I am happy that I did take the step, everyone here is so nice and encouraging. It makes the effort worthwhile. Nice to meet you, we can all help each other become brave and grow together. In love and light Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

    • Congratulations on being nominated. It is a wonderful honour for you. Thank you so much for nominating me. Unfortunately I no longer accept awards. I have difficulty nominating the next award winners. I will be happy to answer and post the questions, however, I am not able to do the nominating task. In love and Light Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, it may be my process that is the problem, but it takes me days to select people and many dont do the awards rhen i feel i have to select others. I am happy to do the tasks but i no longer nominate others. Have a wonderful safe move. Enjoy the journey. Talk to ypu when you ate settled.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Congratulations on your nomination. It is so exciting to know that others appreciate what you are posting and saying.
      Thank you for nominating me Julia: I am humbled by your support and encouragement. I cannot, however, accept the award, as I have run out of blogger friends to nominate. I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what you have posted. Keep up the good work. In love and light Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi JoHanna: Thank you for stopping in. I’ve been doing my spring and summer stuff and haven’t paid attention to my blog. Now that it is fall I will be more focused. Have a wonderful weekend. In love and light Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lightwalker… I hope all is well with you, my searching through your site did not find any 2016 work. I hope you are somewhere warmer than here in Wisconsin where it is 10 below this morning when I woke. Have a beautiful day and I wish you well. E

    Liked by 4 people

    • Elizabeth Ann are so sweet!. Thank you for the good wishes. I have been concentrating on editing the monthly newsletter for the seniors club I belong to. I will be posting a piece I wrote for publication in the April edition. I wanted to wait until the newsletter came out before I posted it here. I hope you are well and it has warmed up in Wisconsin. We are having a warmer than usual spring here in Calgary. Have a wonderful week and enjoy yourself. In love and light Cheryle

      Liked by 1 person

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