The Sound of Spring Has Come to My Garden

Blogging 101: Make a Prompt Personal

My first instinct when I read the 11th assignment was to just post this poem I wrote in 2006.  Instead of running and hiding behind these words I did write a post in response to the Daily Prompt

In addition to the assignment I decided I would also post the poem.   I hope you enjoy.

The Sound of Spring Has Come to My Garden


Can you hear my garden grow?

I can.

It is not just a thought

my winter addled brain

has projected to confuse me

in the quiet, in the dark

hear the susurration of the spires

as they push, prod and propel

their way up from the depths

of earth’s frozen embrace

open your ears to the rustle

of the Bearded Iris

eavesdrop as the Tulips, red and yellow

thrust their way out

of the ground

the patter of the purple Crocus

reverberates as they pop and pierce

through winter’s debris

delight in the crack

snap and scratch of the blue

Silia as they shove

their way to sprout and swell

above the brittle leaves

the smell of decay is gone

my nostrils flare with the scent

of young verdant vitality

feel joy at their gain

the symphony is palpable

it resonates in my very spirit

tonight I can hear their fusillade

in the morning, I will witness their victory

Can you hear my garden grow?

I can


Cheryle Baker – 2006

4 thoughts on “The Sound of Spring Has Come to My Garden

  1. […] I didn’t like the first prompt I came across on the Daily prompt of the day which suggested I take two protagonists from different stories and have them meet.  Characters are not something I have a clue about, I don’t know how to create them, relate to them or even how to make them relate to each other.  So..I skipped this prompt in favour of one I preferred.  Turn, Turn, Turn, explore your favourite and least favourite season.  That was easy.  I’ve already written a poem on my favourite season, spring.  I wrote a post about the season, posted it then proceeded to also post my poem.  Spring has come to my Garden. […]


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